In Sud Africa sono arrivati ben 95 libici con visto turistico.
Ma li hanno trovati, tutti e 95 assieme, in un campo di addestramento militare.
Ovviamente totalmente illegale e clandestino.
Tutti arrestati il 26 Luglio.
Ma cosa ci sono andati a fare ? Fino in Sud Africa ?
Che poi di spazio libero, nella stessa Libia, ve ne è in abbondanza.
La prima udienza processuale è stata fissata per il 26 agosto..
Trial of Libyans arrested in South Africa postponed to August 26.
On July 26, the South African police announced the arrest of 95 Libyan citizens on suspicion of receiving training in a secret camp in the north of the country, which they declared to have entered the country on student visas;
explaining that initial investigations indicated that the site had been transformed into an illegal military base.
Saudi-based Al-Arabiya Al-Hadath TV channel said that the 95 Libyans arrested by the South African police inside a farm belonged to the 2020 Group, which is part of the Tariq bin Ziyad Brigade that is affiliated with Khalifa Haftar’s forces.
Al-Hadath channel pointed out that those Libyans, who were arrested in a secret military training camp in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa, were sent by the General Command of Al-Rajma in official coordination with an Irish security company for training as special forces.